Tips and tricks for kids lunch box

 by: Passant Mahmoud

“Getting children to eat their lunch box can sometimes be a challenging task, but with a few tips and tricks you can make the experience enjoyable and encourage healthy eating habits. And here’s some suggestions.”

- Involve children in meal planning by discussing food options and allowing them to choose their favorite fruits, vegetables, and snacks.

- Make the lunch box colorful and fun by incorporating colorful fruits and vegetables, using cookie cutters, or creating bento box-style lunches.

- Mini-size portions, such as mini sandwiches, fruits, and veggies, are ideal for children to handle and eat.

-Balance familiar and new foods, combining new items with favorites, to encourage them to try new things while maintaining familiar options.

- Share stories about your own lunch experiences or involve them in preparing meals at home. When kids see their parents enjoying nutritious foods, they are more likely to follow suit.

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