Labneh sandwich trend

by: Passant Mahmoud

“The Labneh sandwich trend has taken TikTok by storm, captivating food enthusiasts with its delicious and visually appealing creations. As users scroll through their feeds, they are greeted with mouthwatering videos of Labneh sandwiches piled high with vibrant vegetables, flavorful spices, and a variety of condiments. The trend's popularity on TikTok can be attributed to its simplicity, versatility, and the ability to customize the sandwich to suit individual tastes. With its creamy labneh base and endless possibilities for fillings and toppings, it's no wonder that the Labneh sandwich trend has become a viral sensation on TikTok, inspiring countless users to try their hand at creating their own unique and scrumptious variations.”

How to prepare the viral labneh sandwich:

1-slice bread in half

-Add to the white part of the bread          

-olive oil



-And oven till it’s toasted

2-Then the brown part of the bread add     


 -Salt, mint

-And you can add cucumbers, olives, maksous

-Then put the two halves together and break it, roll and serve. 

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